Apr 27, 2022
Families have seen their fair share of stress during the pandemic, and can be a lucrative market for yoga professionals.
In this episode, Brittany Hudson shares the secret to how she built her mindfulness business with children and families and how she uses these tools to destress the whole family.
Brittany has been in the practice of Mindfulness Meditation for almost 30 years. In 2014 she started Meditating Mama and now guides and teaches public and private Semi Guided Mindfulness Meditation classes for Beginners all over San Diego.
-Brittany’s journey into meditation
-How she uses mindfulness to help children and families
-Why it’s important for the whole household to be involved
-Brittany’s inspiration for niching to families
-The major stressors on families that mindfulness can help with
-Brittany discusses her own journey with a child during the pandemic
-How she finds her clients and gets the family to buy in
-The importance of validating children and teen’s feelings and stresses
-Brittany talks about she offers value in groups to gain clients
-Her favorite child friendly mindfulness practice
-Making mindfulness a habit
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Connect with Brittany:
Connect with Pamela:
Email: info@interoceptiveperformance.com
Clubhouse and Greenroom: @pamelacrane
Music: The State of Things (The Bouncy Song) by Rena Wren is used with permission.