Aug 31, 2022
Have you been dreaming of starting a non profit yoga business but aren’t sure where to start?
In this episode of The Yoga Pro Podcast, Mona Flynn joins us to share important information on how to start a non profit (and some amazing tips), and candid stories from her experience with her own non profit organization.
Aug 26, 2022
Humor is used in advertising successfully to get people’s attention, but in yoga we sometimes feel the need to keep it serious. But at what cost?
If you are a humorous person in real life but feel like you can’t bring that into your yoga class are you really being authentic?
Colin Hall joins us on this episode...
Aug 18, 2022
Providing trauma informed and trauma sensitive yoga is important everywhere but some areas of the world are particularly affected by complex PTSD, and are important places for these offerings.
In this episode of The Yoga Pro Podcast, Candice Clark talks about sensitive yoga for South Africa and research based...
Aug 11, 2022
Rebranding yourself and your business can be a scary process. In this episode of The Yoga Pro Podcast, Pamela goes solo to with a pep talk about her journey of rebranding, how getting in touch with your core values is important when branding yourself, and so much more.
Check out this episode if you are struggling...
Aug 3, 2022
Have you ever heard of Tapping, or EFT? It’s a method of healing that uses tapping different parts of the body while identifying the emotions coming up to help you work through them. In this episode, Lauren Fonvielle joins us to talk about the basics of tapping, how it can provide relief from limiting beliefs and...